When it comes to Immigration news about Canada there is always a great deal of misinformation floating around.
There are large numbers of fakers looking to turn your dreams into their bank accounts. Just in the past two weeks we have seen precisely the same what’s app “promotions” traffic in fake news in both Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe, two of CUAC’s many country offices. These scams claim even 16 year olds can get fully-paid jobs in Canada with promises of permanent migration! But there is big news this month!
It’s real and it's important for international students planning on studying in Canada! Canada which already leads the world in taking newcomers in as Permanent Resident (based on percentage of population) is expanding even farther in the coming three years. An official announcement on February 14, 2022 states:
To ensure Canada has the workers it needs to fill critical labour market gaps and support a strong economy into the future, the 2022–2024 Immigration Levels Plan aims to continue welcoming immigrants at a rate of about 1% of Canada’s population, including 431,645 permanent residents in 2022, 447,055 in 2023, and 451,000 in 2024 This plan will help increase the attraction and retention of newcomers in regions with acute economic, labour and demographic challenges.
https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2022/02/new-immigration-plan-to-fill-labour-market-shortages-and-grow-canadas-economy.html What does this mean for international students? First, if you come now, your timing is great. Especially if you are graduating in 2023, you can enter the Canadian work force and pursue Permanent Residence (PR) via the Express Entry option when the levels of spaces will be at their highest in history. Given Canada's stated longer-term goals, these high levels of spaces will likely continue for years to come.
https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/notices/supplementary-immigration-levels-2022-2024.html Secondly, many Pilot Projects which are intended to help with the labour shortages mentioned above, will also have scope to increase the offers these Provinces or Territories or regions will make. These programs reflect the need for more skilled young people to fill the opportunities in these locations. So, careful choice of the location of your program of study might give you multiple options for pursuing PR status after graduation (and sometimes there are programs that offer opportunities to apply before graduation). For more information on applying to study in Canada contact your local CUAC office (cuac.ca/offices) or fill the assessment form on our website and one of our staff will reach out to you if we can help.

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