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Career ideas – Global Crises

In one of our career-related blog posts we discussed the importance of taking this difficult time to think broadly about different career pathways you may not have thought about before. That post can be found here:

Here’s a timely example to think about: focussing your career on pandemics, climate change global inequality and other dramatic global challenges. While most of the world is thinking only of the pandemic now, in East Africa, there is a second wave of locusts that could destroy unimaginable amounts of food. While there may not be much attention on this in Pakistan and India right now, scientists suggest there is some risk this could affect those countries too.

If you find this something worth considering, how to find out where and what to study? At the CUAC, counselling tens of thousands of students over 20 years, we know how difficult this challenge is. So, here’s an answer for you to get you thinking. Recently, Royal Roads University launched the Cascade Institute to focus exactly on this academic arena.

According to Dr. Thomas Homer-Dixon, the Institute’s first head, and a renowned scholar in this arena:

For more information on this program, consult this link:

Let us know if you found this career pathway interesting, or if have other career pathway ideas you would like us to write about.

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