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Season's wishes for 2022 from CUAC

Dani Zaretsky

We are finishing another difficult year here on Planet Earth.

At the Canadian University Application Centre, we work around the world. Everything globally affects us from cyclones to floods to war and in the last two years, all the hurting and suffering the pandemic has brought.

As I look ahead to 2022, I look for and I find many bases for gratitude and many shining reasons to look ahead positively.

First, I am grateful for Canada and its clearly good intentions. Canada was quick to respond with strong and determined policies to extend a reaching hand to international students, offering benefits like large monthly payments to international students in Canada early in the pandemic, to granting post-graduation work permit recognition for students forced to start their studies outside Canada. While Canada has had shortcomings, key organizations like Immigration Canada and the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) have doggedly worked to hear the concerns of international students throughout this crisis.

Secondly, I am grateful for the welcoming spirit of Canada’s educational institutions. I have worked closely with many of their staff, keeping long hours to manage the incredible workload covid has brought. Many have been available to our CUAC team, every day at all hours, ready to help us tackle the latest difficulties, many of them urgent. For those of you seeking to come to study in Canada, you will find strong sources of support for you in all our institutions.

Finally, there is the incredible CUAC team. Many CUAC staff have been so dedicated over 10, 15 and even 20 years giving genuine, honest and expert support to international students and families representing an incredible variety of cultures and speaking dozens of languages. Some of you reading this have been assisted by Lisa, Mel, April (Jia), Anu or Shafkat, Rubeena, Richie, Modupe, Gifty, Rueben or Linda: you know exactly what I am talking about. For those of you just now looking to study in Canada, maybe your good luck charm in 2022 will be Mary, Dawn (Xuguang), Kathy, Jessica or Shanil, Bindu, Elizabeth, Cristina or Vinod. Perhaps it will be Tabassum, Manik, Rosi, Mahua, Ramya or Albert that clears your pathway to Canada. To all our many CUAC team members, thank you. It is the students, their families and most certainly Canada that have benefited from your outstanding and inspiring dedication.

We launched Canada’s first international student recruitment organization in 1997, opening up in Dhaka Bangladesh and gradually extended operations across Asia, Africa and into South America. The year 2022 will be our 25th. We are fortunate to have been a part of over 5,000 successful international student journeys from 50 countries to dozens of universities and colleges all across Canada. We wish all of you and your loved ones good health in the coming year. For all those who want to be part of the CUAC family, we have a great team ready to help make your dreams come true.

Dani Zaretsky CUAC founder (

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